Student Dress Code

ECA believes it to be in the best interest of the students to maintain certain standards of dress to create an atmosphere conducive to education and honoring God.  Therefore, the following standards apply to all students for all school functions unless otherwise advised by the administration, who will always be the final judge of appropriateness.

  • Students are required to wear red, white, or blue polo shirts with the school logo and blue, black, grey, white, or beige pants (solid or with thin side stripes), jeans, or walking shorts (fingertip length). Parent/Guardians can purchase all polos and sweatshirts with our ECA logo through the online store on the website at
  • In cold weather, coats, jackets or ECA sweatshirts may be worn outside. Solid/minimal “accents” or very small logo zip-down sweaters or sweatshirts may be worn inside the school where the school logo is evident at all times.  Solid-colored, long-sleeved shirts may be worn under the polo shirts.
  • Christian sweatshirts and t-shirts may be worn on Thursdays.
  • Minimal “accents” or very small logos are appropriate, but NO large brand names or designs may be on any clothing worn to school.
  • Clothing should be free of holes or worn spots (no frayed areas – even if fake with patches underneath).
  • No over-sized (baggy) or yoga-spandex type clothes that are form fitting or revealing. Leggings can be worn under a skirt or if the uniform shirt or free dress shirt is long enough.
  • No flip-flops or sandals without backs may be worn to school. Heels must be no more than two-inch heels.  Shoes need to be appropriate for the playground areas.
  • Hats (plain, Christian, or with pro or college sports teams only) can be worn outside only for warmth in winter or to block the sun.
  • Extreme fads of any kind are not acceptable. This includes but is not limited to bare midriff, body piercing, tattoos (real or play), distracting hairstyles (un-natural hair colors or designs, unless a special occasion is specified for the day, i.e., Pink Day).

Girls Dress Code

  • Blue, black, grey, beige, or white skirts or jumpers, but they should be worn with shorts, tights, underneath. Skirts, jumpers, and shorts must be of a modest length.
  • Clean hair, neatly styled, brushed, not distracting, no abnormal colors, and kept away from the eyes.
  • Jewelry should be kept to a minimum. Earrings should be small for safety in play.
  • Middle school and high school girls (6th – 8th graders) may wear minimal makeup and/or fake nails that are short and in good taste.

Boys Dress Code

  • Clean hair, neatly trimmed, not distracting, no abnormal colors, and kept away from eyes.
  • No earrings, and necklaces must be small and in good taste.

Free Dress Day

Clothing must be in good taste with no shirts/clothing that might glorify the drug culture, death, and darkness and no cut-out shoulders unless worn with an undershirt.

Dress Code Infractions

A dress code infraction will result in a call home to Parent/Guardians to bring an appropriate change of clothes.  After the first infraction, school discipline will be enforced.